The Most Awaited Launch Of iPhone 5 Stated To Be Held In October

Although iPhone 5 isn't out in the stores yet, most people are finding it as a better choice than any other Android Phone. Consumers and critics have offered some reasons why this magnificent invention from Apple should be the most suitable phone for the user. They emphasize some of the major technical dilemma with android devices and the hassle in obtaining applications appropriate for the android. elevating the application is a serious malware that most android users have faced in the recent past, however with iPhone 5 it is stated to be much better when it comes to conducting and upgrading.
The latest news reports are that ahead of the huge iPhone 5 launch there has been an increase in Mac sales. The data claims that the sales are affluent due to the regard of the Mac computers like the quad-core iMacs, MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro all having been presented this year. However, the reports also indicate that iPod sale is in decline. This is majorly due to the flexibility of the iPhone device due to which consumers now be biased to ignore the iPod.

Apple is said to be introducing the newly invented phone to retail stores next month. The new iPhone 5 is rumored to include an 8-megapixel camera, dual core processor and a new iOS operating system that includes better notification and the iCloud online storage.
An insider however unveiled that following the iPhone 5 prototype loss, Apple is now precautioned about security. However, iPhone 5 fans will not assume waiting a little longer as the deadline for its release seems to be next month. This is primarily due to the immediate installation of the mysterious hardware known as the "Apple fixture" and grooming for employees. In fact it was revealed that an official glance for Apple insiders was stated to be held on October 21.The time has been chosen deliberately to coincide with the previous release of the iPhone 4 last year. If history repeats this year then the iPhone 5 is surely stated to be the most awaited tech release this year.
New rumors on the iPhone 5 launch indicate an October release precisely to be on the 1st of October. This has been escaped by a Canadian wireless company indicating the correct date of the iPhone launch. If the rumor is true then the scenario certainly doesn't fit the company tradition of launching their products on Thursdays and Fridays.
Apple is working rigidly on the "big release" next month In fact, the training procedures have already embarked in retail stores on iOS 5, the update software and the storing software iCloud. The launch date counts less however one fact is for sure that the iPhone 5 is amended to provide noble performance in those areas where iPhone 4 failed. A faster dual core processor and the storage device with a new and improved shape might just be the key.
Fix My iPhone have been providing trusted, highly successful iPhone Repairs, iPhone 5 Launch and Mac system repairs for many years now. We provide quality, cost effective, repairs, support, and services to all private and business clients in iPhone Sydney and Australia wide. Visit us at: or call (02) 9037-5556 for inquiries.

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