What Is Hacking, and Simple Tips to Save Your Computer From Hacking

What is Computer Hacking?
Computer hacking is the practice of making malicious modifications to a program in order to achieve a goal outside the original purpose of the creator. A person who engages into these activities is called a Hacker, who is usually an expert programmer who regards hacking as an art and as a way to apply their skills in real life situations. But other hackers have far more dangerous objectives than just to demonstrate their skills, like stealing personal information, gaining unauthorized access, etc.
Who are Hackers?
Hacking has been a serious problem. Hacking has gained tremendous development after the introduction of the internet because of the ease of access to systems around the world which this technology provides. With the increasing use of the internet, hacking has also become a more serious issue in recent times. Hackers are usually young individuals in the field of programming but there are also some old sheep. Also the easy access to any type of information has helped expand expertise in the field of hacking. Now it does not require an expert programmer to hack a computer of private network. Just a nice guiding article can turn a kid into an expert hacker.

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The Most Awaited Launch Of iPhone 5 Stated To Be Held In October

Although iPhone 5 isn't out in the stores yet, most people are finding it as a better choice than any other Android Phone. Consumers and critics have offered some reasons why this magnificent invention from Apple should be the most suitable phone for the user. They emphasize some of the major technical dilemma with android devices and the hassle in obtaining applications appropriate for the android. elevating the application is a serious malware that most android users have faced in the recent past, however with iPhone 5 it is stated to be much better when it comes to conducting and upgrading.
The latest news reports are that ahead of the huge iPhone 5 launch there has been an increase in Mac sales. The data claims that the sales are affluent due to the regard of the Mac computers like the quad-core iMacs, MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro all having been presented this year. However, the reports also indicate that iPod sale is in decline. This is majorly due to the flexibility of the iPhone device due to which consumers now be biased to ignore the iPod.

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Reasons To Stop Using Free Email Services For Your Business

The scenario:
You are at a trade show or networking event, you meet a prospective client. They are very impressed with your product and service offering and ask to get your business card. You are happy to oblige and excited for the opportunity. Unfortunately, you lose credibility when your prospect sees your email address is a free one provided by the likes of Yahoo and Gmail or an Internet service provider such as Comcast or AOL.
How can a potential customer or prospect really take you serious when your email account does not really reflect your real company?
  1. An email address of yourcompany @ gmail or yourcompany @ comcast looks unprofessional and prospects will perceive your products and service as second-rate.

    Any business organization that relies on free email services for business correspondence will find it difficult to convince its target market that its products and services are not inferior. Perception is crucial in the business world and remains one of the key elements that influence a person's decision to do business with you, or not.

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Security Is the Core of the SMB Network

There seems to be a shared sense of confidence by small and mid-sized businesses that their organization won't ever face a critical security breach. If I had a dime for every SMB owner or decision maker who dismissed potential security threats, I'd be able to buy a yacht. The truth is there's no safe haven when it comes to security, and no organization is safe; not the largest retailers, the smallest mom and pop distributors, or any size organization in between.
Verizon Business performed a study in 2010 of the amount and severity of data breaches and found alarming statistics. The Data Breach Report showed that there were 760 intrusions in 2010, compared to just 141 in 2009 (Baker, et al., 2010). Ironically, the amount of data affected or otherwise compromised was lower than in previous years, but at the end of the day, what impact would just one security incident have on your business? It could be something relatively minor such as some hooligan desecrating your website, or it could be a serious incursion into your sales records, customer payment information, and/or intellectual property. What would that type of breach cost your business? Only you know the answer to that.

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